Week 8 – It’s ALL About Our Choices!

The Eighth Week….

What stood out to me this week during the webinar and I was able to apply in my life were:

1. Every choice has a consequence and 2. Precise wording is paramount!

The 7 Day Mental Diet is still under the multiple re-start phase for me 🙂 I keep the thought…it’s not your fault Carla but it is in your control! We are not in spring training anymore of giving No Opinions we are definitely in the World Series with the 7 Day Diet!

Whenever a negative thought arises, what matters is what we do with it. We can’t dismiss a thought….we can only replace it (Law of Substitution) and we only have 7 seconds to do that or start over! I do believe this “Diet” is one of the most rewarding things we will strive for. It really drives into my being “taking captive every thought” and I have really meditated on 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 where Paul (Sha’ul) says “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not fight according to the flesh. For the weapons we fight with are not fleshly but mighty in Elohim for overthrowing strongholds, overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to make it obedient to the Messiah,”

This week continued to have it’s challenges as well. Making choices from the love in our hearts that will move us toward the responses we desire can be challenging. Not responding out of fear to others, situations and circumstances continues to be an area of huge growth for me.

I kept reviewing 1 Corinthians 6 with many applications. Do not fear, filter what goes in, substitute negative thoughts when needed…the power is there, access it Carla. Verse 6:15 in 1 Corinthians “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Messiah?” 6:17 “And he who is joined to the Master is one spirit” 6:19 “Or do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-apart Spirit who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which are of Elohim.” I thought of several Master Key phrases also.

I reviewed my notes from week 1 webinar: “we cannot escape from the pictures we incessantly photograph on the mind, are the photographs I am picturing identified for my welfare? or are they erroneous conceptions from inaccurate thoughts and words? I said to myself…I MUST see and know that the words out of my temple will eventually be created so they must be EXACT! They must be put together carefully, BECAUSE accuracy in building words & sentences are the highest form of architecture in civilization and is the passport for my success! For myself and in dealing with others…..

So my husband and I put great effort in constructing our sentences for ourselves and in dealing with others….our success depended upon it 🙂 The blueprint needed to be as accurate as possible.

I am now back in Kansas for awhile with the ability to access Internet FREELY! Yeah!!

I am so grateful for this MKMMA journey AND that my husband & I have the most wonderful and supportive guides…they are THE BEST!!!

Remember Carla…be an observer, stay the course, awareness begins change, love yourself, break the addiction of negative bias, speak positive affirmations to the Gal in the mirror, move toward becoming your future-self’s best friend, link, connect, use those triggers to accelerate learning and DO the action to apply 🙂

Week 7 – The Challenge Continues – The Law of Dual Thought APPLIED :-)

The Seventh Week….

We continued to meet challenges in Fort Nelson which gave us a great opportunity to apply the Law of Dual Thought! In fact we got lots of occasions to put several of the 7 Laws of the Mind into application. Trying to complete the assignments from week 6 was a challenge. I had no vehicle during the daytime, no Internet most of the time, very limited cell phone coverage and didn’t have access to many supplies. We (my husband & I) ended up making our initial movie boards out of felt, we made a soft book out of white felt with green triangles, blue rectangles, red circles & yellow squares. I used to make my kids these when they were very small. We could carry it around since we were unable to make digital images and print them off. The books were very simple but I kept thinking “Awareness Begins Change!” and the Psychology Triggers that accelerate learning are the colors & shapes so let’s do what we can. We also had music, the Master Key audio and Og on our phones.

It was a struggle (me being a perfectionist and a Red) and I would cry and pray at night that I would be able to stay up with the rest of the alliance. In fact it was very painful at times. I actually think it was my subby already shifting, and it was like a panic feeling of not being able to get air to breath at times.

Well, several things happened and within a 24 hour period my husband and I were on flights back to Salt Lake for meetings. I was applying the Law of Dual Thought, working very hard to attach pleasant feelings to thoughts and circumstances. Remembering success is contingent on forgiveness, to set others free and knowing resentment blocks the flow. I had to work hard to “get out of my head” ( I tend to be there a lot). I kept discerning and rolling around in my head what thoughts and actions am I responsible for and what is just opportunity for me to apply what I am now aware of. So many things kept flashing before me; how much is loyalty to my associative memory, remember Carla – just be an observer don’t judge, and the subby has NO defense against my voice…..keep talking to yourself and watch your negative bias Carla!

Week 6 – Going to the Movies with the Gal in the Glass?

The Sixth Week….

One thing Mark said just kept standing out to me this week from the webcast “Don’t worry if you are not grasping the scope of everything – Just do it!” So I clung to that this week. This week was very, very challenging! We flew from Kansas to Utah Sunday evening and then from Utah to Northern Canada on Monday arriving very late by private plane.

The company that hired my husband said they had a place for us to stay but there were no details. Our flight was excellent and we listened to Og and the Master Keys to make wise use of our time. When we arrived they took us to a house the company had rented and we would be sharing it with several other employees. This was not an issue for us as we have shared living space with others on occasion in the past. What ended up being the issue was NO INTERNET! This was not an easy issue to overcome in a small town in Northern Canada that has only one Internet provider that calls ALL the shots  :-/

My husband and I are both in MKMMA, our subbies are shifting, we are laughing about how we are to not have an opinion about this and we are both trying not to stress about not being able to have Internet. No Internet was not our only issue this week; working long hours in subzero weather on a farm construction site added more opportunity for creativity to get readings and honor requirements done. I am glad we had each other for support.

Living in a house with new people we just met and reading scroll #2 on love has been a good sharing opportunity. We did get internet finally but then found out it was Very Limited use and once your allotment was used you couldn’t buy anymore until the next month rolled around. OK Carla, don’t have an opinion. GOD is in control, smile !, greet this day with love in your heart, keep talking to the Gal in the Glass, say I love you, look for red circles, green triangles, make the movie board of your DMP, live it, make it 3D, just do it even if you don’t grasp it 🙂

Week 5 – Be an Example Carla! Have Victory Over the Old Blueprint!

The Fifth week…..

This week was a challenge in several ways. I struggled to keep the daily routine of readings, meet the MKMMA deadlines and add in all that goes with a major job change for my husband that includes him retiring, accepting a new dream job and us moving to another country in a matter of a few weeks…. all since his DMP started to manifest….WHOA, I am hanging onto this Roller Coaster Ride. Sometimes I ask….can we get all this done?

Last Sunday during the webcast the part about attachment and detachment really spoke to me. Attachment is ego and we “attach” to give us comfort and a feeling of control. That includes attachment to people, things or possible outcomes. Attachment to all of this makes detachment impossible, which therefore traps us unconsciously. Then we are covered in cement and trapped to our associative, non-creative memory. That really enlightened me to why I have struggled to find the girl inside or tap into my dreams that I tucked away so long ago. I had seen how I had attached to possible outcomes I had envisioned and so desired for the future. Now with this whirlwind life change that piece of information helped me deal with this week.

My husband & I had fun with the exercise “Be the Observer” to help us detach. We would end up laughing with “oops, that was an opinion!” It really made us aware of our attachment to our associative memory. I kept hearing in my head what Mark said “As long as your associative memory is our Identity we cannot find the I within”. That was really “deep” for me. I really had to wrap my thoughts around that and spend some time sitting with that. What all did that include?….not finding the I within? Was this key to gaining vision and victory over the old blueprint?

Last week in Part 4 of the Master Keys we read about the I”.  In 4.2  “When you come into a realization of the true nature of this “I”, you will enjoy a sense of power which you have never before known.” and then in 4.4 ” the real nature of this “I” is spiritual, and is the source of the real power which comes to men and women when they come into a realization of their true nature.”

This is all so powerful, so empowering! Detach Carla….get in touch with the “I” within and connect with power you have never before known!

I have struggled to meet the deadlines but I am not giving up! I keep reminding myself it is about the whole process. Linking, Firing & Wiring, Do It Now!, I can BE what I will to BE!, Reading aloud, plowing up that crusty, dry hard dirt, making furrows, planting seeds and hearing myself say “New life is sprouting within ME!” It has not been easy, my emotions go up & down, I catch myself saying things so I re-word them – Keeping that Watchman at the Gate busy 🙂

So for that roller coaster ride this week…we are strapped in and it is exciting. I am unfolding and sprouting….my husband is unfolding and sprouting….my oldest son enjoying watching the process. The ripples from this new growth are far reaching. When we are full of power and radiating that is ENORMOUS and affects all around you.

Thank you! Thank you! This is work….but I recommend this, it changes your life in many, many ways…. I am very grateful.

Week 4 – Giving Birth? A New & Good Habit is Birthing!

The Fourth week….

This week was more difficult than last week, which is hard for me to come to terms with :-/

Most of last week I was away from technology and then made a fast trip to Arkansas and then on to Texas for a weekend convention. At the convention one speaker specifically talked about the book “The Greatest Salesman” which was exciting to me 🙂 but what was interesting, was that it was evident which speakers were allowing the wisdom and principles found within the book to guide them.

Well, on to this week….Trying to catch up after being gone actually presented more problems than I was expecting. “Subby” would slip into control and Distractions! Distractions! Remember those nuggets of information from the first week? Distractions give us a feeling of routine but they steal time and give a false sense of security…well I dealt with that this week. I would find my self saying out loud “Keep the main thing the main thing” and “do it now! do it now!” I had a rough time staying on schedule with my readings and when I would miss one, the negative self talk would slip in, I would feel like I was lying….remember on the cards it is written “I ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES! Carla J” ….then positive talk “Watchman at the gate, take every thought captive, conditions of fear, worry, inharmony…the trained conscious mind can entirely prevent by vigilant protective action, Solar Plexus – shine baby shine! lets radiate life and magnetism…”

It was an emotional fight….are the rest of you still having trouble like this? But this is good 🙂 At least I think it is good. At least I’m fighting. Fighting the cement that has so long numbed and covered the “girl inside”

I am still trying to get the DMP perfected, actually changed my PPN’s [those personal pivotal needs :-)] and awaiting word from my wonderful guide if that was the thing to do. Originally I tried on a couple that I thought I would like to have but it was hard to add the S.M.A.R.T. to the DMP and PPN’s so I cried….and cried a little bit more….wondering if I am ever going to get in touch with ‘what makes me tick?’ ….then I got still, cleared the mind, relaxed the body for a little while and came back to the DMP.

At times I have feelings of being overwhelmed with the reading assignments and the cards but I know this is going to work! I’m staying at it!

“I have swallowed the seed of success and new life is sprouting within me. Today I began a new life! As a child I was a slave to my impulses; now I am a slave to my habits. Therefore, if I must be a slave to habits I am a slave to good habits. New furrows are made daily in my Limbic system and new seed is planted! I am continually forming good habits and am their slave!”

I am protecting the “subby” from mistaken impressions and false idols, I am thinking, I am connecting with YAH, I am unfolding and growing from within 🙂

I am grateful for this wonderful adventure and such an encouraging community….Thank you 🙂

Week 3 – Starting to see some change :-) even among adversity!

The Third week…..

This week presented some different challenges. I had already made plans for this week before MKMMA came into my life so I kept the plans to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles and meet the challenges as they came. I spent the week camping and away from technology so I had to make an effort to go into town to access the internet. At times fear would creep in, that I would have trouble finding internet but with some growth from MKMMA starting to sprout, I was more conscious to take those thoughts captive and re-direct them.

So this week I took the Master Keys, Scroll, and cards on the go.

When camping, life in general is a bit more time consuming. It takes more work to cook, bathe and meet the needs of life but I wasn’t going to let my scholarship slip away! With the extra effort it took to stay up with the assignments I actually was able to see how much the ‘subby’ had already started to expect the assignments and readings. I was able to see how much I had already started to memorize or ‘link to’. I was able to share the excitement about my new growth and MKMMA with those around me and was able to bless others and handle adversity with greater resources available. It was exciting and very fulfilling.

This week while out among nature I also found I am able to connect better with my inner self and dream again. Something I have not done in a LONGGG while. How exciting and healing for me!

I am still fine tuning my DMP but I can see and feel myself shifting. I am more confident, happier, more in touch with my inner self! This is the most wonderful experience!

Thank you to all of you who are on this journey with me!!!!

Week 2 – What a week! ‘Subby ‘ puts up a fight!

The Second week…

Thursday there was a shift….but oh boy! The first part of the week was a ride!

I was dealing with feelings like:

‘I don’t think this stuff is shifting ‘subby’ yet, I must not be doing it quite correctly’.

‘I followed the exercise with my non-dominate hand during the webinar and I’m still unsure of my PPN’s’.

‘I’m failing! No I’m not, take that thought captive! – I’m a work in progress!’

‘Carla, you put on your schedule to go to bed early and get up early – you didn’t do it 😦 There it is on your card you ALWAYS KEEP YOUR PROMISES, what’s up with that?’

And so goes the fight :-/

I added Part 2 of the Master Keys but kept reading Part 1, just to ‘make sure’ … just in case I’m one of those people with a little thicker cement and I REEAALLLLY don’t want to fail. Especially since it feels like I’m not making any head way with the ‘subby’. Which ones are my PPN’s? Maybe I need 30 minutes of sitting instead of 15?

I am SO thankful for reading the first scroll three times a day “Today I begin a new life.” It would encourage me 🙂 then I would ponder, “I’m tilling the soil and planting new thoughts, when will this new life within me sprout? How long will it take me to get a glimpse of the dreams I’ve hidden away long ago? Which ones are my PPN’s?”

And so goes the fight :-/  Then with beautiful timing a tweet came along that had a youtube video that really spoke to me. Here it is, maybe it will help you too…  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slKAFdJ8ZHY&feature=youtu.be

Just sit STILL and breathe Carla….I seemed to connect this time and in the stillness I asked the Divine to connect and re-write some defective programming on my subby. Some false thoughts had slipped in when the ‘watchman at the gate’ was off guard and calm judgement had been suspended due to circumstances. I asked for some specific planting and got some clear mental pictures. Then I pondered…was it just timing or was this some of that ‘unfoldment’ I have been seeking?

I had been wrestling about my PPN’s, knowing I needed to get my DMP to my guide, but now things seemed clearer. I circled 2 on Sunday but I kept thinking 2 others fit me better. When I finally relaxed I realized the 2 I had circled with my non-dominate hand are the 2 I need to manifest more into my life. The other 2 I have been using in my life mostly and I asked myself “How’s that been working for you?” Not that they were bad, it is just they need to be balanced by the 2 I’m lacking. So I decided to “try these 2 new ones on for awhile” as Derek suggested and the results were AMAZING! Within 24 hours I started to see opportunities for Autonomy & Liberty show up…..so cool 🙂

Do I think the fight is over? No… but tilling the soil is making a difference 🙂 YEAH!!!

Mark & Davene are correct…the cards are a game-changing exercise! It was very interesting in how they affected me more each day. I ‘looked forward’ to completing my chore on the Chore card and I found myself saying ‘Just Do it Now’ whenever I came upon something I needed to do. Blue AND Rectangles were everywhere. I still feel myself “stretching” with the Digital Connections but this is exciting! Feeling Grateful !!!

Week 1 – Chipping off the Cement and the Journey INSIDE BEGINS !

The Journey Begins….

As I look back on this first week I have felt and dealt with so many different emotions it is crazy !

It all started several weeks ago when I saw something on my Facebook ‘Friends’ wall about Master Keys Mastermind Alliance [thank you Derek Atchley Dc :-)]. I really admired this ‘friends’ confidence and there was just something very grounding, something unspoken that I could sense was ‘deep’ going on with this ‘friend’. It was very intriguing so I did some homework on this Mastermind Alliance he kept referring to. It came at a time I was doing some very deep ‘soul’ searching. I had lost my way and needed desperate help. I was crying out for something or someone to help me get some energy to get out of this mud I was stuck in. Then I saw ‘stay tuned, we are coming soon – Master Key Master Mind Alliance’ on his FB page. I waited with anticipation and even messaged him -I got to have this ! Well, I didn’t even wait for his answer. I stayed up most of the night reading blogs and watching the first video. I got up at 5:00a.m. the next several mornings waiting for the next 2 videos so I could qualify for a pay it forward scholarship. HERE I AM !  I made it !!! I jumped up and down and cried 🙂 I received 1 of the coveted scholarships!

So I got to work….

I ordered the copies of “The Greatest Salesman in the World” , started filling out more index cards and trying to get ‘in touch’ with my inner self. This was hard work…What did I like about myself? Qualities I liked about myself or would like? Things I liked to do or would like to do? Things I enjoy? I know it may sound ridiculous to some but I had no idea the answers to these questions. I had bought into so much from the external world that I had lost myself. The MKMMA videos showed I was so covered in ‘cement’ it would take some major chipping to find the ‘girl inside’. As soon as the books arrived I read the whole thing and then realized I was only supposed to read up to page 50 [Uh oh, 😦 ] My Subconscious was running things….

The First week….

Had the first Webinar and re-watched and took additional notes to make sure I didn’t miss anything. At first I was so scared & afraid I would ‘forget’ something and be ‘dropped’ (to be honest I still am) :-/  I made an index card with my schedule, set the alarms on my phone, wrote out the blueprint builder and signing my name promising to keep my promises, and scared to death I was going to ‘mess up’. Then the Definite Major Purpose monster came into my life !!! What was it, how do you define it. It was agonizing, painful, I cried, I was stressed, I couldn’t figure it out, I paced the floor, I was so afraid I was going to lose the scholarship. I kept checking the members website for clues and then I saw others post they were having difficulty too….I wasn’t alone…

I finally decided if I couldn’t see far into the future I could see a little ways at least. It reminded me of a story I once heard. The moral of the story was… walk as far as you can see and when you arrive there you will be able to see farther. So that was now my aim. After some struggle I turned in my DMP… I made the deadline….I won against my subconscious I so dearly call ‘subby’ now 🙂

Now I am attacking each new milestone… my first blog post 🙂    How exciting !!! I am chipping away at the cement !